WARNING – To legally purchase or acquire any Shotgun or ammunition in the UK you MUST have lawful authority to do so. This means you must have a current Shotgun Certificate issued to you by your Police Firearms Licensing Department. (Firearms Act 1968 / 1997 as amended)
It is a serious imprisonable offence to purchase or acquire any firearm or ammunition without lawful authority to do so. All firearms or ammunition sales that relate to ANY sales upon this website are subject to this condition. All buyers hereby agree that a contract of sale is ONLY complete when these conditions are met fully by the purchaser, until then the goods remain the property of Phoenix Range irrespective of any amount paid. All transfers of firearms and ammunition are ONLY made face to face in-store on the production of a valid Firearms Certificate correctly conditioned as above.
Phoenix Range is a Registered Firearms Dealer and as such is authorised to transfer firearms between other Registered Firearms Dealers by authorised couriers only. A fee will be charged for this service.
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